Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hey there, Delilah, please move back from New York City...

Dear Plain White T's,
If you really loved Delilah, you'd get your tush to NYC and stop flooding the radio with "Oh, what you do to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"'s...
I'll show you what you do to me... and I'll show you what I'll do to *you* if you don't knock it off.
Dani Meier

P.S: "You are to blame, you know it's true."

In other news, while biking today at the YMCA, a message flashed across my screen:
"Do or do not, there is no try."

And to think - I was under the impression that he was too short to reach the pedals...
"The force is strong with this one - he just bench pressed a small child!"
"No, no, that's his trainer!"
"Well, that explains the cane that he's beating him with..."

1 comment:

CP said...

Pre-light saber training...hitting the gym.

Those are probably the parts they cut out of the movies.